Saturday, February 12, 2011


Are in my opinion, more comfortable than jeans. No belt, they won't fall off of you, and they got more pockets. Check out this cool, edgy pic of me as I strike a pose in front of some long leaf,

So what's up with Wal Mart drying up all of the smalltown businesses? Doesn't that suck? It used to be when you went into a small town, they'd have one or two staple restaurants, a general store, and the characters workin' the pump at the fillin' stations. Now, all of that is possible to do in one freikin trip to Wal Mart. Except for the essence of the small town. If you've ever seen the movie "Idiocracy", you'll understand that is what we're headed for..A huge, municipality-like sized store.

In fact, WMD's should be used as a double entendre for this domestic weapon of mass destruction, and its all but vaporizing the competititive existence of the small business owner...screw Wal Mart...What can a small town sell and profit from that Wal Mart cannot? A few things come to mind...Exotic wildlife, the hovercraft industry(mark my words, they will make a huge comeback...wait a minute..did they even come and go to begin with?), vices, more vices..bake sales, vices..dry cleaning/wash and fold shops! That's it! Hmmmmm..maybe not...OK, enough bitchin and moanin..

I had a quiet, peaceful time in the woods today with my dad. I'll leave you with this above pic. Notice my mouth is closed...I'm being good so far...

1 comment:

  1. laughing HYSTERICALLY as i read this. keeep the posts coming! love the blog!!!
